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Other Departments in the

 College includes;

Language Department
Teaching Practice
Creative Arts Department
Social Sciences
Idara ya Kiswahili
Integrated Science Department
Language department
Language Department boasts of Tutors who hold prestigious
 designations and postings in College

On their part, students are encouraged to endeavour to listen to good sources of spoken English and read widely.

English as a language serves a pivotal and crucial role in the lives of students at whatever level of study. 
In the Kenyan context, English serves not only as a medium of instruction in the upper primary classes and beyond but also as an official language outside the classroom. English also enjoys the status of being almost a universal lingua franca.  

A good grounding in English guarantees a student an easy time in his studies and success in his academic endeavors given that English is the service subject across the curriculum. 
A strong foundation in English will make it easier for a student to easily follow the teachings in other subjects. 
Even beyond the school setting, English enjoys numerous opportunities for application.

In English as a subject, the tutors are committed to excellence. They are such a strong and dedicated team who love their job and take pride in their students’ excellence. They embrace team-teaching as a strategy. 

They are always available to help each other in times of need. This is the secret behind the subject consistently posting impressive results over the years. 

English as a subject has rarely posted a referral. But even with an almost one hundred percent pass rate, members of the subject won’t rest until they record one hundred there is still so much room for improvement.
Even the day English will emerge the best performed subject, they won’t risk resting since they hold the view that there is always room at the top… but never enough to sit down.

On their part, students are encouraged to endeavor to listen to good sources of spoken English and read widely in order to improve and enrich their general command of the language. 
They should appreciate the fact that the expressive skills (speaking and writing) depend on the receptive skills. 
How well and fluently one speaks depends on what type and quality of language input one is exposed to. Students are thus discouraged from listening too much to vernacular radio stations or even mainstream radio stations that do not pay much attention to fluency and grammatically of expression. Similarly, how well one writes is dependent on the type and quality of written material one interacts with.
Idara ya Kiswahli

Kiswahili ni mojawapo ya masomo ya lazima chuoni.

Kiswahili ni mojawapo ya masomo ya lazima chuoni. Kiswahili 
kama somo kiko katika idara ya lugha chuoni. 
Idara ya lugha ina masomo mawili: Kiswahili na Kiingereza. Idara ya Kiswahili inayoongozwa na Bw. Ngeresa imetwikwa jukumu kubwa la kuhakikisha somo la Kiswahili katika chuo linaendeshwa
kwa mujibu wa mtaala. 
Idara hii ya Kiswahili ina changamoto nyingi, miongoni mwazo ni:
  1. Kiswahili kinaendelea kukua 
  2. Utohozi wa kiholela 
  3. Kufupish maneno visivyo 
  4. Matumizi ya Kiswahili kibovu 
  5. Kupachika msamiati pasipofaa 
  6. Kuchanganya ndimi 
Licha ya changamoto hizi zote pamoja na matamshi yaliyoathiriwa na lugha ya mama wahadhiri wa somo la Kiswahili hujikakamua ili wasiwe na wakufunzi waliofeli somo la Kiswahili katika mtihani wa P.T.E.
Idara ya Kiswahili hushiriki katika tamasha za muziki za kitaifa kwa kutunga mashairi ya Kiswahili na ya lugha zingine za kiafrika. Mwaka wa 2016 chuo kilituzwa kwa kuibuka washindi katika kitengo cha mashairi. Mashairi yaliyoipatia chuo sifa sufufu yalitungwa katika lugha zingine za Kiafrika kando na Kiswahili . Mashairi haya yalikuwa “Khanetiwaka, Omusaatsa womwima, Kasiti Mwana Wanje”.
Mikakati ambayo idara inapanga kuanzisha hivi karibuni ni:
  1. Kuanzisha chama cha Kiswahili chuoni 
  2. Mashindano ya Kiswahili baina ya vyuo jirani 
Msimamo wetu katika idara ni kuona ya kwamba yeyote aliyemshiriki katika chuo hiki aionee fahari lugha ya kiswahili na wakati wote ajaribu kuongea Kiswahili sanifu.
Msichana: Tuk Tuk haiendi?
Utingo: Haibebi
Msichana: Poa, kwani hatuendi?
Utingo: Nimekuambia haibebi
Msichana: Poa, Huchoki kunisalimia?
Utingo: Ni kama hatuelewani. Walimu wako wana shida.  
Language Department has Two compulsory PTE subjects English and Kiswahili.
Timetable allocates Four Lessons per week, in first year and Five in second year
Methodology is all How to Teach English Curriculum in Primary School
In Mid- Course, Mock and PTE Examinations each of them has two Examination Papers paper 1 and 2
Linguistics cover, The Study of Language, Grammar and Composition writing
Language DPT has a staff Establishment of 10 Tutors; 6 in English and 4 in Kiswahili
Each of the Languages focuses on 3 fields; Linguistics, Literature and Methodology
Literature covers, Poetry, Drama, Novel and Short stories
Language Department boasts of Tutors who hold prestigious designations and postings in Colleges Nationally
Teaching Practice

This is a department concerned with theactual teaching in the primary schools undertaken by the trainees under supervision. The department gives trainees an opportunity to try out the learnt skills.

It consist of the coordinators, deputy coordinator and the three assistant coordinators.

Its functions include:
  1. Organizing peer /micro teaching. 
  2. Posting trainees to various TP schools. 
  3. Clearing students to proceed with various TP school. 
  4. Posting lectures to TP schools for  assessment of trainees. 
  5. Monitoring TP assessment and evaluation. 
  6. Compiling and analyzing TP results. 
  7. Guiding and counseling students on  to related issues.
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Intergrated Science Department

The mandate of the department is to Produce quality science teachers who can effectively teach in Kenyan Primary Schools and beyond.

Impart the requisite skills knowledge and attitudes which can mould an allround teacher Inculcate skills and attitudes to enableour student ts teachers efficiently and effectively fit in and exploit his immediate environment.

To realize this mandate we engageour students in practical activities, improvisation of apparatus from locally available materials and project work.

In first year the Science subject is intergrated to include aspects of Home science and Agriculture.

Emerging issues such as Drugs and substance abuse,Environment and HIV and AIDS.The department has three subjects namely science, Agriculture and Home science.

It embraces its motto;“Standards are set and they are high.”This has made us to realize good resultsin PTE.Currently the department has a staff offive lecturers and a laboratory technician.This is below the CBE of 10 lecturers.This is quite a challenge since some of the lecturers have administrative responsibilities.

The transition process has also affected the department since the special rooms have been converted into classrooms.This no t with standing the lectures are committed in the realization of the mandate.

Learning Resource Center

The purpose of the resource center is to advance the learning experience of students and the teachers
The Learning Resource Center is a coordination department for services, programs and resources that promote academic success for all students. Its assists both students and staff with the necessary resources in their training process. 

The purpose of the resource center is to advance the learning experience of students and the teachers. The LRC is committed to supporting and guiding students as they strive to reach the highest standards of academic excellence. 

Students are encouraged to take advantage of these resources and services early in their academic careers to enhance their
prospects for academic success.

Resources that are available for use are e.g. Overhead projector, Cameras both still and video, editing software and internet.
More than ever before, there is an  increasing global concern that Information  and Communication Technology (ICT) be included in teaching and learning at all levels of Education. 
Therefore ICT is taught  in college to equip people with confidence in a society increasingly affected by the use of computers and related technologies.
It is intended to equip the learner with general understanding of ICT skills, tools that will facilitate more effective, meaningful and 
creative handling of teaching and learning.

The subject ICT, puts emphasis on how  the computer can be used to carry out  different tasks to facilitate teaching and learning. It also imparts knowledge, skills and attitudes to the learner necessary for fitting and adapting to the ever changing 
computer world.

ICT as a subject tries to answer the  question “what technology, skills and concepts is teacher expected to demonstrate to be able to use computers and their related technologies to support  the instructional process in their various  subject areas?” 
Teachers today live in a society where  there is immense pressure to address emerging issues. 
The introduction of Internet, therefore has particularly been usefull as a source of information to 
teachers in addressing emerging issues  such as: 
  • HIV and AIDS 
  • Drug Abuse 
  • Gender issues 
  • Child Labour 
Special Needs Education(SNE) has also  been addressed and Teachers have made use of the relevant recommended tools 
that has made teaching and learning  process for the special needs more effective.

Creative Arts Department

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Creative Arts Department as the name suggests is a hive
of creativity. Namely craft, music, Art & Physical health
education. These are core subjects because apart from being  applied used in our day-to-day lives; they also enhance the  teaching and learning of the other subjects. 
The drawing of maps in social studies requires Art; the
textbooks for all subjects have borrowed Artist to draw the
When CRE is introducing a lesson all about music being
applied in CRE. Outside the classroom music is medicine to the soul, we sing and dance in a funeral to comfort and give hope to the bereaved, we sing and rejoice at birthdays, when we are cheering our footballers, we sing love songs to our loved ones. Can you imagine life without music? 

Even in heaven the heavenly hosts are all through singing songs of praise to Jehovah.
All our furniture, craft is being applied; from our school desks
to office furniture to fancy seats in high places.

These days we all know that we need to keep healthy by
doing physical exercises and even the doctors recommend us
to keep away opportunistic diseases and for fitness.

The other major area of creative Arts, which is co-curricular,
is performing arts. This involves drama, performed music,
dances, timed narratives and verses. This is still a very
important part of our lives, for relaxation and even learning
from the messages being passed across. 
These are areas that help us to nurture the talents of our students so that they can spend their free time creatively and constructively. 
It helps them to avoid indulging in negative vices by being kept busy positively.

The last important part of creative arts, which also falls in
the co-curricular areas is games, athletics and cultural. Game
which samples all the ball games-Netball, football, hockey,
volleyball, handball and basketball helps our students not
only to keep fit and to use there free time positively.

The cultural involves, cultural activities like dances, narratives, plays, verses and even traditional meals. 
All these help our youngsters to share and appreciate our rich culture.
It helps too in uniting our students in the midst of a Country
that ‘s so divided along tribal lines.
Creative Arts is a rich department in everyway.