On their part, students are encouraged to endeavour to listen to good sources of spoken English and read widely.
Other Departments in the
College includes;
Kiswahili ni mojawapo ya masomo ya lazima chuoni.
- Kiswahili kinaendelea kukua
- Utohozi wa kiholela
- Kufupish maneno visivyo
- Matumizi ya Kiswahili kibovu
- Kupachika msamiati pasipofaa
- Kuchanganya ndimi
- Kuanzisha chama cha Kiswahili chuoni
- Mashindano ya Kiswahili baina ya vyuo jirani
Language Department has Two compulsory PTE subjects English and Kiswahili.
Timetable allocates Four Lessons per week, in first year and Five in second year
Methodology is all How to Teach English Curriculum in Primary School
In Mid- Course, Mock and PTE Examinations each of them has two Examination Papers paper 1 and 2
Linguistics cover, The Study of Language, Grammar and Composition writing
Language DPT has a staff Establishment of 10 Tutors; 6 in English and 4 in Kiswahili
Each of the Languages focuses on 3 fields; Linguistics, Literature and Methodology
Literature covers, Poetry, Drama, Novel and Short stories
Language Department boasts of Tutors who hold prestigious designations and postings in Colleges Nationally
This is a department concerned with theactual teaching in the primary schools undertaken by the trainees under supervision. The department gives trainees an opportunity to try out the learnt skills.
It consist of the coordinators, deputy coordinator and the three assistant coordinators.
- Organizing peer /micro teaching.
- Posting trainees to various TP schools.
- Clearing students to proceed with various TP school.
- Posting lectures to TP schools for
assessment of trainees.
- Monitoring TP assessment and evaluation.
- Compiling and analyzing TP results.
- Guiding and counseling students on
to related issues.
The mandate of the department is to Produce quality science teachers who can effectively teach in Kenyan Primary Schools and beyond.
Impart the requisite skills knowledge and attitudes which can mould an allround teacher Inculcate skills and attitudes to enableour student ts teachers efficiently and effectively fit in and exploit his immediate environment.
To realize this mandate we engageour students in practical activities, improvisation of apparatus from locally available materials and project work.
In first year the Science subject is intergrated to include aspects of Home science and Agriculture.
Emerging issues such as Drugs and substance abuse,Environment and HIV and AIDS.The department has three subjects namely science, Agriculture and Home science.
It embraces its motto;“Standards are set and they are high.”This has made us to realize good resultsin PTE.Currently the department has a staff offive lecturers and a laboratory technician.This is below the CBE of 10 lecturers.This is quite a challenge since some of the lecturers have administrative responsibilities.
The transition process has also affected the department since the special rooms have been converted into classrooms.This no t with standing the lectures are committed in the realization of the mandate.
Learning Resource Center
- HIV and AIDS
- Drug Abuse
- Gender issues
- Child Labour